March 22, 2022
OhioMeansJobs – Employer benefits from workforce programs | Facebook
Seifert Technologies is a company located in Massillon, Ohio that hires Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and Designers whose main objective is to help companies expand their manufacturing capabilities with new machines and automation. OhioMeansJobs Stark and Tuscarawas Counties has assisted this company with talent recruitment services. The company is familiar with On-The-Job training services available through the centers having successfully utilized these workforce services in the past. The company recently met with the Business Resource Network (BRN), a business retention/expansion service available through the OhioMeansJobs centers, to discuss company challenges and opportunities and to be connected to a wide array of resources. The company desires to “hire local” and has had much success in hiring engineers and other employees from the local area. They were, once again, connected through the BRN to the array of resources available through the centers. Seifert Technologies recently used On-The-Job training assistance available through the OhioMeansJobs centers with one of their newest hires, Bailey Codispoti, a recent The University of Akron graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. During Codispoti’s undergraduate program, he participated in two different internship programs with the company. Hiring Codispoti after graduation allowed Seifert Technologies the opportunity to provide the customized training that is needed to meet the expectations of their customers, while defraying the cost through On-The-Job training dollars. OhioMeansJobs’ On-The-Job Training program (OJT) is “the icing on the cake,” as quoted by company president, Tim Seifert. “Using programs like On-The-Job training (OJT) and Ohio’s TechCred make it economically feasible and cost efficient to hire a recent grad. It only makes sense to chip away at the company’s primary overhead expense, which is payroll.”
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