May 29, 2024

Job Corps

Category: Partner Spotlight

Author: Maddy Miller

Tell us about your organization:
Job Corps is a free educational & vocational training program designed to help young people between 16-24 gain a career education. Job Corps does this by offering students the option to pursue their high school diploma or GED and learn a trade in a demand-driven occupation. Students can select trades in a variety of career options such as health care, welding, computer tech, etc.

What is one thing someone might not know about or is unique about your organization?
Students can elect to live on campus or become a non-resident. Students receive benefits such as stipend, clothing allowances, performance bonuses, and many more. Job Corp also has advanced training, apprenticeship opportunities for students. After students complete training Job Corp will help them to find a job in their career field.

How do you work in partnership with the OhioMeansJobs Centers?
We partner with OhioMeansJobs Center to provide a high-quality workforce and find opportunities to succeed in their careers.

For more information, visit:

Local contact:
Steve Rhodes

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